Friday 29 March 2013

Breast implants and moral indignation

Today I thought I would be topical with my post so I decided to post about boob jobs. Now I love boobies as much as the next person but everyone has to draw a line. Never one to make judgements but for this particular woman to stand on the front of a newspaper claiming she has got more confidence from her boob job takes great bravery and a lack of mirrors. In all seriousness I think that the ginger meant should do all it can to make people happy because living is tough these days unless you are beautiful.

In Britain we like to do moral indignation about a whole plethora of irrelevant things, 'with my money, as a tax payer?!' ' coloureds in my country' or 'you can't say that about the queen' are all things that you may well hear in England, certainly things I have heard. But moral indignation about a girl who has just been made very happy is unjustified, if I was a tax payer which one day I hope to be I would not be angry about such a trivial thing. Say if her boobs cost £5000 and there was 50 million tax payers that is only 1/1000 of a penny! I say that all tax payers should chuck in an extra 1/1000 of a penny to sort out her face and then people would have nothing to complain about.

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